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Порядок снятия рычага без снятия праймери описан здесь:
http://www.hdforums.com/forum/dyna-glid ... ary-9.html
Here's how:
... remove the shift rod from the trans lever
... put some masking tape on the inner primary cover and trans housing
and mark the orientation of the trans lever
... remove the allen bolt on trans lever, I think it's 1/4", but check You need a long allen wrench , preferably on a socket. It's REALLY tight. might need a cheater bar on it. Don't strip the head on the bolt or you're screwed.
... The lever will not slide off...not enough room. You have to "toggle" it off.
... You have to spread the slot at the bottom of the lever that clamps to the trans shaft, even if it's only a few Thousandths of an inch. Sears makes a small right angle screwdriver that's straight on one end and Phillips on the other. Buy a couple of them, they break.
... get the straight part of the blade into the lever slot and spread the slot open a litttle. It's not easy, but you have to get it spread a little. The lever should be pretty loose on the shaft.
...This part is hard to explain....You have to use a LIGHT toggle motion on the lever towards the engine. To get the "feel" of the motion, extend your right arm, bend your wrist almost 90* to the left and pretend you're turning a key in the ignition with just your wrist. You have to move the lever out 1/8" to 1/4" and then toggle it back toward the engine. Just keep playing with it, but don't force it. If you have to , open up the slot a little more. It will be frustrating the first time, but it will come off.
... Once you get it off, reverse the motion immediately, to get the feel of what you're doing and put it on again, then take it off again.
...before putting the new longer lever on, open up the slot a little. It's much easier to do off the bike.
... while everything is off...look at how the bevel on the shaft and the small relief cut into the back of the lever to understand how it works coming off and going back on.
... If you're putting the black controls on, the lever is powder coated. You may have to open up the new lever a little extra to get it on and remove some of the coating around the back of the spline opening.
Если кратко - тот самый транс lever (искомый рычаг), который стоит за праймари можно снять. Первая проблема - крепежный винт, который удерживает этот рычаг на шкиве. У меня ушло минут пятнадцать с использованием WD. Далее этот рычаг необходимо немного расшатать - в стороны к себе-от себя. После того, как он дойдет до стенки праймери, его нужно смело гнуть от себя (верхнюю часть) - в итоге этот рычаг (стоковый) достаточно легко снимается со шкива. У меня ушло минут 30. Когда ставится удлиненный (китовый) рычаг, нужно вначале его немного разжать, чтобы он легче встал на место. Установка у меня заняла минут 5. В результате все операции у меня заняли от силы час. Результатом я доволен.